What is Love? is it physical? emotional? mental? or spiritual? do we love people because of how they look, what they do for us or do we love people simply for who they are?
I guess for all of us its a complex mixture and each one of us has our own formula as to how we love and feel love and we define it in our own unique way.
I know for me, Love is a physical thing, its an emotional thing and a mental thing but really and truly its a spiritual experience for me, for at the end of the day we love a person for who they are and how they have somehow touched us in some way shape or form no matter how small.
I've been in love many times in my life, but my last experience left me heart broken, but the saying is true tho, when you truly love someone, you sacrifice yourself for them and their happiness is your happiness and even if they don't want to be with you anymore ( and that hurts like hell) you let them go, you allow them to be free of you whether or not they decide to come back to you for you love them to the point that your only wish is for them to be happy whether its with you or not.
Its not easy to let go of someone you love, in fact its damn hard, the emotions rip you apart and in a way you want to hate them for leaving you but in fact you don't because you love them and really and truly, you always will.
Self sacrificial love, the highest of all forms of love, when you love someone to the point that you sacrifice yourself and your personal wishes just for them but also the most painful form of love, it takes great courage and strength to make a sacrifice like that and if i could go back in time and do it again, id do it the same way, i don't know about you but i couldn't live with myself knowing that im the reason the one i love is unhappy, id rather they be happy without me than in hell with me.
Love changes us for the better, with each experience and with each time we fall in love we change, we grow and we learn. We learn more and more about ourselves and we learn to correct our mistakes and become better people, better human beings and better lovers.
Love itself for me is the greatest gift anyone person can experience, to love someone is a gift and if you can say that you have loved and lost than never loved at all you are truly blessed, i know that it doesn't seem like a blessing when your hurting and going through a break up but really it is, its through those emotional times in our lives that we grow stronger in ourselves and change, grow, transform and ultimately evolve, what seperates us from animals is our higher intellect and most of all our ability to love. Love is the key to life, the meaning of existence for all human spirits because out of Gods love came humanity and it is within our humanity that makes us truly wonderful beings and wonderful to behold
I often ask myself if i were presented with 2 options, the 1st for all the money i could ever need and the 2nd for the love of my life, which i would choose? which would you choose because i know for me as tempting as money sounds nothing can replace or buy true love that is a phenomenon that is beyond time and space truly not of this earth
Love is the greatest thing in this world, this earth, this universe and i hope, no i pray i get another chance at love, to feel something deep for another and to have them love me back in return freely, i pray with all my heart my wish comes true and that one day i find that truly
No matter how hard, no matter how difficult it seems, never give up on love
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