I spoke before in a Post about revenge, but really and truly what leads us down that path of lashing out at those closest to us is just a simple lack of forgiveness. We as human beings are meant to rise above our petty squabbles, diffuse the situation (which in some cases is like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode) and just let bygones be bygones.
There's a Big difference between us and animals, we can actually think for ourselves and appreciates higher forms of life, but when the going gets tough we often show that were no better than the animals some of us eat. I know its very easy to say we should forgive and a lot harder in fact to do and you don't need me preaching to you as to why we should forgive but i'll tell you how i came to my own recognition of forgiving others.
Recently a friend of mine (Bruno) poked fun at a swelling on my cheek caused by an allergic reaction to something, and i held my tongue for as long as i could because on the inside i was fuming but not with anger but with pain. I felt pain because it pains me to be the subject of his jokes as they're really not funny at all and talk about bad timing and kicking a man when he's down that's not what people let alone friends do to each other but then i couldn't hold back my emotions any longer and said some things back, but quickly after saying them i realized i didn't need or want to, the emotions in a way felt like the driving force and forced me to say things i didn't want to say and the only reason it was said was to satisfy, like some craving, the emotions i felt wanted and soon after i realized that we as humans, were driven by very passionate emotions good and bad and that can drive us to do things of a great Magnitude or of great destruction
From Whitney Houston to Adolf Hitler, we have the power to shape the world around us, we have the power to make a change, take a stance in life and truly work towards something of true glory of true importance but we can never achieve anything good by fighting, it is only through forgiveness and working together can we move forward as one, in truth and reality, united we stand divided we do fall.
Last year when my birth mum threatened to kill me for real and gave me one week to move out, i shortly had a terrible dream, in a lot of african families there's always someone there that holds the gift of foresight
usually its an Aunty or uncle and sometimes the mother, but it was me, ive seen things in my dreams about my cousin remi getting pregnant, about my friend from uni and her troubles shes been having with her boyfriend which all came to pass, but when i saw this dream shortly after all that had happened, i was slightly shocked.
In my dream i saw both my birth mum and my eldest aunties obituaries along with others there in the dream telling me they had died. Did i think, YESSSS!!!!!!! she's getting what she deserves for threatening my life and making me homeless as a result, No in fact i was sad because i feel and still feel that even though this person caused me so much pain in my life and threatened to kill me and made me homeless death was not the justice i would ever ask for
To this day that dream has not come to pass and i hope it remains that way, for i can forgive everything people do to me, but i do not forget which does make it hard for me to move past things and i guess it does for everyone but i wanna live life unburdened by the troubles of my past and look on happily towards my future
Jesus Christ said these words "Lord forgive them for they know not what they do" , if he hadn't had said those words i fear for humanity what would have become of us
I just know that for me i'm going to try and be more forgiving of others and even though i cant forget still give people second chances because we all make mistakes and i know ive made many but should we be forever punished for the mistakes we've made in the past? or should we be judged for the people we are in the here and now regardless of all that has come before?
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