Its the 2nd of April and I thought i'd start off by updating you all on what's going on in my life.
For the past month i've been talking to you all about my Resident Gay White Supremacist Stalker Conley Riley Bishton, his support of the KKK and the Hate Crime and Racist attacks he inflicted on me by him, the Malicious Harassment/Stalking that followed where he had me followed to find out where i live and who i live with as well as other issues in the world from Bullying to Gay Rights.
Ive entitled this Article #Power because i want to speak to you all about this. About the "Power" people like Conley Riley Bishton think they have by Bullying, Name Calling and Racially Attacking someone.
The power You Good people think you "DON'T" have but in fact DO!!!
Let me Start by Saying that none of this has been "Easy", its not easy for me to Write these Articles for you all to read as it is really and Truly a private matter but i cant stomach the idea of my Attacker not only getting away scot free but doing this to somebody else aswell.
Ladies and Gents, ive been a Victim of Bullying all my Life. I suffer from Anxiety and I get panic attacks. I know this may be hard to believe coming from a Big and Strong guy like me, but even the Strongest people have the Greatest Weaknesses and Can be very Vulnerable. Look at Superman in the DC comics with Kryptonite.
Its Called and Achilles Heel for a Reason. In place to make sure that any one with power can be stopped. You have it. I have it in my own way.
Mine is my Anxiety. Iv'e had this since i was a child, I guess in a way i ventured into Music and Modelling to Over Come my Fears and My Anxiety by performing regularly since a child in front of large crowds .
When the attacks from Conley Riley Bishton Started as outraged as I was and seeking Justice, I was also very scared because this guy is Crazy and will say and do Anything.
He and his friends were Stalking me online from Facebook to Twitter, Calling my Phone from a blocked withheld number. He followed me on the streets and had his friends follow me to find out where i live and who i live with. It was all a crazy time. even though his Attacks look more like Pranks now from a child at the time it felt Life Threatening.
With my Anxiety and Panic Attacks, I was Scared that this would escalate even further and he'd Physically Attack me or have someone attack me. I was scared he try and come after my Family or Friends. Its not a far off assumption to Assume that If he can go as far as to Blank calling me and harassing me and finding out where i live then the next step is ............
You all know where this would end up going and i need not spell it out.
In the midst of everything that was happening at the time, one thing Conley Riley Bishton Kept Saying was "There's Nothing You Can Do About It". This immediately took me back to when I was 11 and in an all Boys Secondary School. My Bully then was called Ansar Ally and he said to me one fateful day when he kept calling me names, He said and I quote "Im Gonna Keep doing this till you commit Suicide" and with that 2 things would have happened, I would have either Cowered to my Bully and let him continue till he did get his desired result or Stand Up To Him.
Which do you think i did? The former or the Latter?
I Did the Latter, My anxiety that was holding me back turned to Anger and Outrage. I Stood Up to my Bully. I really should have Wacked him one in his mouth and given him 2 black eyes but i was a Sensible kid, I never got into a physical fight until my back was against the wall and I always won when that happened.
Instead I Marched my self to My Head of Year, Mr Ockann at the Time. A Strong black man who looked like a cross between Martin Luther king and Johnny Cochran. He gave my Bully Ansar Ally Hell. Ansars life was miserable from that day forth. Ansar even tried to beat me up, I wasn't scared of him anymore and ready to fight but when he tried to hit me, I was only 11 at the time, A year 11 Friend Intervened on my behalf and told him to back the F*** Off. That day showed me the Humanity of my fellow Human Beings and that people won't Just sit idly like the Germans did when Hitler Murdered all of the Jews he could find.
I wrote these Articles on Conley Riley Bishton to make you all aware. I wrote them to inform and warn and to bring to light what he's done to me and others. Conley's Friends have Accused me of Craving Attention, others have accused me of destroying his life. I have done nether. I have only spoken about him in relation to what he has done to me and how he has Stalked, Harassed and Threatened my Life.
Still today i am getting Calls from a blocked number just like Conley did before. Every time i get one of those calls my Anxiety goes through the roof but then I remember everything that ive been through already and instead of my Anxiety I feel Great Strength and I stand up to my Oppressor. So after the 4th Blank call from a Blocked number i called up my Stalker from the Number ive posted in my Articles Before
07415 341 997
This is what he had to say. watch and listen for yourselves
See Below
In the end of this call he says he will "see" me, his weird attempt at humour as he had me folowed before to find out where I live. The very thought creeps me out and gives me fear and Anxiety.
When this happens I remember what FDR( Franklin Delano Roosevelt) said.
He said "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear"
In this case the more important thing is in warning you all and making sure that Conley Riley Bishton can't do this to anyone else. What he's done to me is already done and can never be undone but what I can do is make damn sure no one else suffers at his hand.
Its hard to speak about this openly but I must and I have to, I can't Stand by Like the German People did with Hitler and idly watch as he does the same or even worse to someone else.
I shudder to think if i didn't write these Articles what would he have done next. He may come at me and show up on my doorstep and attack me or even do that to someone else. I can't live with that and you all shouldn't either.
Problems can be solved when they're caught early with enough time to resolve them, not when they've escalated into becoming uncontrollable like Hitler.
Remember People, the only way to get Rid of your Bully is to stand up to Them
I called Conley to find out who is still Calling me from a blocked number and hanging up, i faced my fears and set aside my Anxiety, you can do that to. Conley says he's putting this to the past and wants to move on. I sincerely Hope so. If he's still stalking and Harassing me it will only end one way with him behind bars.
For those who are Drunk with their so called "Power".
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!!!
I was told once by my mum that the Human Spirit has the Equivalent power of that of an Atomic Bomb. If Y'all don't remember Google Hiroshima and Nagasaki after what the USA did to them in World War 2 when they dropped 2 Atomic Bomb on their Cities.
Those are Literal examples, Understand Now that im Referring to the power inside each and everyone of us that we simply choose to over look.
Remember People, you have Power. You have a Voice.
So use it and Make this World a better place for you and me.
Be the change you want to be
Be the Change you Wish to See
One Man Can Make a Massive Difference