Friday, 22 July 2016

#Brexit #Catfishing #Orlando #Charile Cutting

Hello All

Its been almost 3 months since my last post and soooo much has happened since in the world and especially in my life also

In this Article im going to talk on a couple of Subjects such as the Brexit in the UK and the Orlando Shootings in America. Before all that I will Introduce my main reason for this newest Article, "Catfishing".

Catfishing is becoming a Major issue in this world and in this society. Its Disgusting how these days people are too comfortable to pretend to be someone else rather than be themselves.

Its one thing when you use a famous persons picture as your profile pic, or use a random models pic as your pic at least you can write a message in your profile saying it isn't you. Nowadays people have No Compunction in doing this and its just disgusting.

 I fully understand people may be ashamed of the way they look or want to keep anonymous when online but this deceptive and dishonest way of portraying one self no matter how noble the intentions of the person are always lead to someone else far darker and sinister copying these methods to dupe, mislead and ultimately hurt other people.

When's it going to stop

Earlier this month i was contacted on social media by a guy called "Karl" using this Pic

Now "Karl" is a Male model i know that works for the Adonis Cabaret and  as im  a Male model  know very well this isn't the real Person contacting me via social media.

Suspecting serious foul play  i engaged in conversation with the Supposed "Karl"  to the point the guy gave me his number to chat on wattsapp. Imagine my delight when he did this as i gave his number to my friends who work for the police who ive asked to keep tabs on my social media and my phone for my own prtocetion and they ran a trace on the Number and the results were shocking.

The number belongs to a Mr Charlie Cutting  who works in Gravesend in Kent teaching science to children at Gravesend Grammar.

See Pics Below



And in this Final Pic you will see the face of the perpetrator himself

Mr Charlie Cutting

After I let this man know i know who he is, and where he works, he quickly starts apologising and calls me via whattsapp crying saying hes sorry. To me it was the biggest Load of Bullshit i have ever heard in my Life.

After the ordeal i dealt with from my Stalker Conley Riley Bishton, and to now be a Catfish Target of Mr Charlie Cutting there was no way i could sweep this under the rug and forget about it.

I told some of my friends about this to get their opinion as to what to do about this and  even posted a status on my Facebook to find the best way to Handle this

See Below


And also

After Considering everything everyone had to say about it and realising what could and would happen if  i stay silent, i was reminded of my stalker and how i told him repeatedly to go away but only  got worse but most of all i couldn't get past the fact he works with children.

One friend reminded me that he could do to a student what he did to me, and with the fact that it is a problem with Peadophiles down in Kent in their education System.

I couldn't in good conscience stay silent, so  i not only made a report but also  sent an e-mail to his employers as well at Gravesend Grammar

Above you will see part of the e-mail i sent to the school to inform them of this, so they have been warned and if anything happens to any child in his care after recieving this e-mail they can now be held fully liable.

But Lets take a walk through time and actually see how we got here.

Starting with Trumps Rhetoric, "Lets Make America Great Again"

After Trump started his campaigning for the presidency of the United States with that infamous rhetoric, so many white supremacists and Sociopaths and Psychopaths crawled out from under the wood work and used Trumps Rhetoric to justify their actions and their hatred of others.

We started seeing race riots at Trump rallies and violence and the worst part for me was in Trump embracing it all. He didn't Admonish these people or even denounce their support, no he just sat back and let it happen.

The United States that is supposed to be the policeman of the world, standing for Truth, Justice and Freedom isn't fulfilling its Global responsibility of being an example to the rest of the world  and because of that the problems in its homelands are Spreading like wildfire to the rest of the world Namely the UK.

The United States is a country like every other  and goes through its own problems and on one hand should be like every other country to deal and get through its issues but on the other hand when you appoint yourself as the Policeman of the world and the Champion of Truth Justice and Freedom for the world  then you have to hold yourself at a different standard and make sure all your problems are solved and that everything is in order.

I love the United States but with everything that's happening  im scared to even go there for a holiday.

From black men continually getting killed and for no good reason by racist cops and the tragic Shootings in Orlando, is it any wonder that the rest of the world is in turmoil as its watching and learning from one of the greatest nations on earth.

Touching on the subject of Orlando very quickly, my heart goes out to all those who were killed,Injured and all those who suffered as a result  of what had happened.

What happened there was one of the greatest atrocities of mankind. I have said this before and will say it again. I do not care if your Gay, bi, straight, black, white, oriental, Indian, Arab, Latino, Hispanic or from the Middle east, human life is human life and we all have a right to this world and to live in it equally and free of oppression and hatred and in peace and harmony.

There is a Massive Misconception as to whether this was a Terrorist Attack or Hate crime

Let me clear up this Misconception.  Omar Manteen was GAY!!!!!

His Actions really didn't have anything to do with Isis but more so to do with the Hatred he holds for himself and for Gay people.

The Isis Link was his way to turn his revenge killing of the Gay people he murdered in Cold blood into some religious  honour killing

Since the attack on the Orlando nightclub a man has come forward who claims to be Omar Manteens Gay Lover

The real reason according to this man called Miguel, is that Omar Manteen had a 3 some with a guy who was HIV positive and this what sparked not only a hatred for Puerto ricans but for Gay people as well and what led to his downright disgusting cold blooded murder of the Gay people in that nght club.

For those who died that night, May your Spirit Awaken to Joyful Activity!!!

And last but not least with everything that's happening in the United States spreading across the world, one country in particular is severely affected as well.

The United Kingdom

Known for its diplomacy and tactful responses the UK has since been divided due to the results of the Referendum and since its results we have seen things in this country that you would only see in the United States.

We have british people saying to Immigrants "Why you still here? Go back to your country"

We have a record rise in Hate crimes all across the UK

We have Scotland and Northern Island threatening to leave the UK if we leave the EU

The Unted States may be the country that Champions Truth, Justice and Liberty for All, but the United Kingdom is meant to be the Great Representation of Love and how we tolerate and accept everyone

We the UK still have our Monarchy and didn't like France or Russia over throw them and Behead them.

We the UK conquered the world and coming to our own recognition gave back Indepenence and freedom to various countries and territories, like Hong kong and India and Pakistan to name a few

The point im trying to make here is that the people of the UK have always known better and always been able to rise above but with the backlash of the referendum and the lies told by Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, especially one lie claiming the 350 million given per week to the EU will be given to the NHS is just downright Lies.

We are facing a crucial time as a nation especially with the threat of Scotland and Northern Island leavng, is it any wonder that we have Racists and Xenophobes crawling out of the wood works just like in the United States and people like my Stalker Conley Riley Bishton think its ok to behave the way they do and People like Charlie Cutting who Catfished me think they're behaviour is acceptable.

We the people need to stand up and tell these disgusting people its not ok that in 2016 that this is all still happening.

We have now appointed a New Female Prime Minister, Theresa May

On one hand ths should be a Celebration of the progression of humanity that we can now have a woman lead us.

But Since her appointment, has proven and still proving to be a Carbon Copy and Clone of Margaret Thatcher.

She is not all bad and do agree with some things she says but not all things, like for instance

Theresa May wants to use the deportation of EU Migrants already here as part of the Brexit negotiations which  i believe to be unconscionable as she should be  safeguarding the lives of those already here and not using it as part of her Poker Game.

Lastly, Theresa May is a Woman and the whole idea of having a Woman lead us is that a Woman more so at times of despair and struggle has more of a heart than a Man who rules with a heavy hand.

I understand that we live in a Mans world but a Woman shouldn't and doesn't have to be a Man in order to get things done

We as Mankind need to reclaim our humanity and reset the definitions of both Man and Woman.

Right now the boundaries of both Men and Woman  are so blurred that there is so much gender confusion nowadays

I do not believe woman should stay at home, or women cant work and be successful or leaders but i am saying that a woman needs to uphold her womanhood in all that she does as women naturally stand higher than men spiritually and thus hold more power.

Women may be the weaker physical sex but are spiritually the more powerful of both genders, and there lies the balance between the sexes

We need to wake up, and finally all of us, you and including me, get our acts together and make this world truly a World for all People

Please Y'all stand with me against Discrimination of all Kinds

Stand up for Love

Stand up for Life

Saturday, 2 April 2016

#POWER #ConleyRileyBishton #Corruption

Hey Y'all

Its the 2nd of April and I thought i'd start off by updating you all on what's going on in my life.

For the past month i've been talking to you all about my Resident Gay White Supremacist Stalker Conley Riley Bishton, his support of the KKK and the Hate Crime and Racist attacks he inflicted on me by him, the Malicious Harassment/Stalking that followed where he had me followed to find out where i live and who i live with as well as other issues in the world from Bullying to Gay Rights.

Ive entitled this Article #Power because i want to speak to you all about this. About the "Power" people like Conley Riley Bishton think they have by Bullying, Name Calling and Racially Attacking someone.


The power You Good people think you "DON'T" have but in fact DO!!!

Let me Start by Saying that none of this has been "Easy", its not easy for me to Write these Articles for you all to read as it is really and Truly a private matter but i cant stomach the idea of my Attacker not only getting away scot free but doing this to somebody else aswell.

Ladies and Gents, ive been a Victim of Bullying all my Life. I suffer from Anxiety and I get panic attacks. I know this may be hard to believe coming from a Big and Strong guy like me, but even the Strongest people have  the Greatest Weaknesses and Can be very Vulnerable. Look at Superman in the DC comics with Kryptonite.

Its Called and Achilles Heel for a Reason. In place to make sure that any one with power can be stopped. You have it. I have it in my own way.

Mine is my Anxiety. Iv'e had this since i was a child, I guess in a way i ventured into Music and Modelling to Over Come my Fears and My Anxiety by performing regularly since a child in front of large crowds .

When the attacks from Conley Riley Bishton Started as outraged as I was and seeking Justice, I was also very scared because this guy is Crazy and will say and do Anything.

He  and his friends were Stalking me online from Facebook to Twitter, Calling my Phone from a blocked withheld number. He followed me on the streets and had his friends follow me to find out where i live and who i live with. It was all a crazy time. even though his Attacks look more like Pranks now from a child at the time it felt Life Threatening.

With my Anxiety and Panic Attacks, I was Scared that this would escalate even further and he'd Physically Attack me or have someone attack me. I was scared he try and come after my Family or Friends. Its not a far off assumption to Assume that If he can go as far as to Blank calling me and harassing me and finding out where i live then the next step is ............

You all know where this would end up going  and i need not spell it out.

In the midst of everything that was happening at the time, one thing Conley Riley Bishton Kept Saying was "There's Nothing You Can Do About It". This immediately took me back to when I was 11 and in an all Boys Secondary School. My Bully then was called Ansar Ally and he said to me one fateful day when he kept calling me names, He said and I quote "Im Gonna Keep doing this till you commit Suicide" and with that 2 things would have happened, I would have either Cowered to my Bully and let him continue till he did get his desired result or Stand Up To Him.

Which do you think i did? The former or the Latter?

I Did the Latter, My anxiety that was holding me back turned to Anger and Outrage. I Stood Up to my Bully. I really should have Wacked him one in his mouth and given him 2 black eyes but i was a Sensible kid, I never got into a physical fight until my back was against the wall and I always won when that happened.

Instead I Marched my self to My Head of Year, Mr Ockann at the Time. A Strong black man who looked like a cross between Martin Luther king and Johnny Cochran. He gave my Bully Ansar Ally Hell. Ansars life was miserable from that day forth. Ansar even tried to beat me up, I wasn't scared of him anymore and ready to fight but  when he tried to hit me, I was only 11 at the time,  A year 11 Friend Intervened on my behalf  and told him to back the F*** Off. That day showed me the Humanity of my fellow Human Beings and that people won't Just sit idly like the Germans did when Hitler Murdered all of the Jews he could find.

I wrote these Articles on Conley Riley Bishton to make you all aware. I wrote them to inform and warn and to bring to light what he's done to me and others. Conley's Friends have Accused me of Craving Attention, others have accused me of destroying his life. I have done nether. I have only spoken about him in relation to what he has done to me and how he has Stalked, Harassed and Threatened my Life.

Still today i am getting Calls from a blocked number just like Conley did before. Every time i get one of those calls my Anxiety goes through the roof but then I remember everything that ive been through already and instead of my Anxiety I feel Great Strength and I stand up to my Oppressor. So after the 4th Blank call from a Blocked number i called up my Stalker from the Number ive posted in my Articles Before

 07415 341 997

This is what he had to say. watch and listen for  yourselves
See Below

In the end of this call he says he will "see" me, his weird attempt at humour as he had me folowed before to find out where I live. The very thought creeps me out and gives me fear and Anxiety.

When this happens I remember what FDR( Franklin Delano Roosevelt) said.

He said "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear"

In this case the more important thing is in warning you all and making sure that Conley Riley Bishton can't do this to anyone else. What he's done to me is already done and can never be undone but what I can do is make damn sure no one else suffers at his hand.

Its hard to speak about this openly but I must and I have to, I can't Stand by Like the German People did with Hitler and idly watch as he does the same or even worse to someone else.

I shudder to think if i didn't write these Articles what would he have done next. He may come at me and show up on my doorstep and attack me or even do that to someone else. I can't live with that and you all shouldn't either.

Problems can be solved when they're caught early with enough time to resolve them, not when they've escalated into becoming uncontrollable like Hitler.

Remember People, the only way to get Rid of your Bully is to stand up to Them

I called Conley to find out who is still Calling me from a blocked number and hanging up, i faced my fears and set aside my Anxiety, you can do that to. Conley says he's putting this to the past and wants to move on. I sincerely Hope so. If he's still stalking and Harassing me it will only end one way with him behind bars.

For those who are Drunk with their so called "Power".


Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!!!

I was told once by my mum that the Human Spirit has the Equivalent power of that of an Atomic Bomb. If Y'all don't remember Google Hiroshima and Nagasaki after what the USA did to them in World War 2 when they dropped 2 Atomic Bomb on their Cities.

Those are Literal examples, Understand Now that im Referring to the power inside each and everyone of us that we simply choose to over look.

Remember People, you have Power. You have a Voice.

So use it and Make this World a better place for you and me.

Be the change you want to be

Be the Change you Wish to See


One Man Can Make a Massive Difference

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Gerda Tvaronaite #BullyingToSuccess #A Cinderella Story

Hey Y'all

On this fateful day on the 27th of March Easter Sunday, i thought it would be a refreshing change to have some positivity. Easter Sunday marks the day of Jesus's Resurrection into the spiritual Afterlife and Back to the Kingdom of God with the Heavenly Father. God.

Lately I've been reporting to you all about the Hate Crime that was inflicted on me by my Gay White Supremacist Stalker Conley Riley Bishton. Ive been speaking on Issues of Gay Rights, Gender Equality, Racial Equality and Love for all Life.

Reporting about the Negativity in the world is so very important as we all need to be informed  and wake up to the threats that disgusting people like Conley Riley Bishton and Edvinas Batas are capable of doing.

But it is also important to Report on the Positive. To report that even when the odds are against you, one can still make it in this world and achieve their dreams and even when one is oppressed and Bullied that we still can rise and make something good happen for ourselves.

My Easter Story for you begins of a Real Life tale of Gerda Tvaronaite.

She and I both used to work for the same restaurant together in london almost 2 years ago and our time together was filled with many ups and downs and adventures to say the least.

When i started at the restaurant i quickly became a Singing Waiter and was singing Happy Birthday Every Night and earning tips for it as well and getting reviews for the company as well as myself.
It became a thing for me and i achieved my "Success" ( oh so it seemed) that way.

Gerda on the other had, didn't have it the same way i did. Often her nights were spent late at the restaurant polishing candle holders for the next day and filling up ketchup bottles and cleaning out the crevices in the rim of the ketchup Bottles with a Tooth Pick.

For Gerda Life was not Fun.

She was not used to the restaurant life, often having to sit down because her feet and legs were exhausted from the stress of it all. All so she could send money home to Lithuania and help her family and so she can pay to go to acting School aswell.

She like any other has a dream and was fighting tooth and nail to live it, to breath it.

To Achieve it.

Now as ive told you all many times, the only way to get rid of your bully is to Stand up to them. thats how i deal with mine and seems to work for me, but for others like Gerda, it can be quite different if not Non Existent.

But to You all, what would you do if your very own Bully was your manager?

See a pic below

In this Pic you see Gerda directly in the Middle with her radiant smile, directly behind her is our friend and fellow colleague at the time Alessandra. To the left is Benedetto "benny" and directly on the right, dressed differntly than the other 3 in the pic is our manager Federica.

Looking from the outside it easy to look at that picture and think to yourselves, "they all seem happy"
"they're having a nice time together" "everything is fine"



Everything was Not Fine. Federica  was  Gerda's Greatest Bully ( Empahasis on the word Was)

Now Federica isnt all bad, she's merely human. The same Shit she tried on Gerda which worked by the way, didn't work on me.

Federica takes pleasure in being Right or in her case thinking shes Right. One fateful incident i can mention is when a fellow colleague and my "Bully" at the time Alfonso asked a general question about the computer system to find an item. He asked the both of us and we both answered but i answered immediately before Federica could answer, after which she was in Tears.

Literally a Grown woman in tears because "apparently" i embarrassed her by knowing more about the till system than her the "Manager". First she cried and went to the office, then she came Barrelling out threatening to give me a File Note on my File if i ever did that again. So all in all, for offering advice to a colleague who asked the both of us for help warranted a "File Note".

Crazy, Just Crazy

Federica is a Bully, plain and simple. She likes to Dominate people especially Men, but to her fellow females she likes to lead and be in charge. She wont hesitate to put you in your place and Show you who's Queen B.

To Gerda, Federica Bullied, Berated and called her names Such as Stupid, Worthless and Not Good enough on a Daily basis.

Gerda Worked in fear of putting even a toe out of line. This happy and full of life Girl would shake and quiver with fear at the very sight of Federica

Gerda is a simple girl from Lithuania coming to London to Survive and live her dream and help her family. Completely unfamiliar with the restaurant world and how it works and like a newborn needs love, guidance and most of all Protection.

Protection from the very people who will tear her down with ease and not give a thought to it.

Gerda was threatened many times by Federica that she would be fired/loose her job. Federica at one point worked her near to death because she was the "Manager" and she can and she did that to force Gerda to quit.

These Bullying Tactics and modern day practices in the workplace  may be "ok" to some but its Not "OK" at all.

Long Story short, for me when Federica tried her Bull shit Bullying tactics on me, i fought back and gave her the same hell she tried to give me. Federica tried the same tactic on me by giving me 10 days straight with shifts and no day off in between and the last 5 of those days were all double shifts.

I made it to day 8 and then i called in sick as i was run down and very ill. Federica had to cover my shift somehow and i didn't care one bit because anyone who is willing to even try and work you to death deserves to die and die by their own hand. I walked out of that Restaurant for family reasons mainly thats all they know but mainly i walked out as i couldn't stand Federica and the tyranny she put us all under. I voted wth my feet and walked out effective immediate. I left Gerda  and Alessandra behind and many others that i will miss but i refused to stay under such oppression.

Gerda stayed for a while after until she Finally Was able to Pluck up the Courage and Vote with her feet and walk out. After i Left that restaurant up to 10 people walked out straight after.

Ladies and Gents, it starts with you. Take a Stand and Make that Looong Needed channge

To get rid of your bully, you MUST Stand up to them

Now almost 2 years Later Gerda Tvaroniate is on her way to the top and starring as Lesley in a play called "Her Big Chance"

See Pic Below

Her Big Chance is on at the Swan theatre in Worcester from the 12 -15th of April this year
Living Proof that NO ONE, not the Romans and Jews when they crucified Christ on the cross and Not even Federica Bullying Gerda can stop Any Good decent Human being from Living and Achieving their dream.

Here are Some Promo Pics from Gerdas facebook page which can be Found at

See Below

Now as a Friend, im so very Proud that she's Overcome her short comings in order to Still Strive for something good and achieve Something Great in Life. I pray for this to be the start of her own Success in Life and Onward Journey to the top as having witnessed the journey myself and the obstacles she has overcome, she definitely deserves this.

For all things Gerda please Find her on facebook at

Check out this Youtube Clip of Gerda Acting

Please see below

And to all of you on Easter Sunday, I hope your all having a great Easter with your family and friends and Loved ones and remember You to can make a difference.

It all starts within you

It all starts with One Person.

Friday, 25 March 2016

#Conley Riley Bishton #Edvinas Batas #Bullying #White Supremacists

Hey Y'all

Its Good Friday today and i thought id update you all today on this very special day

As you all Know ive been dealing with attacks by my Gay White Supremacist Stalker Conley Riley Bishton.

If y'all dont remember let me refresh your memories

For the Full break down of the story please visit

Again I must Thank You ALL, for your continued support and for tuning into my blog, as i have always said and maintained in saying that i publish these articles as a matter of public Awareness to bring to light the atrocities that Vile People such as Conley Riley Bishton and now Edvinas Batas

I would like to thank you all for your retweets on twitter, your comments to my tweets  to spread awareness and for the likes to my articles and Blog

Here are a few examples of the responses ive had from you


Again Thank you all for your support on this very serious Issue.

I have to report as well that ive had alot of positive feedback from you all, but have had quite a few nasty attacks from others who are either in denial about Racism, White Supremacy and Biggotry  or just Agree with it  and see it as Nothing Wrong.

On Wednesday the 23rd of March this week i had an Interesting Comment on my Faceboo Page from Non other than an Edvinas Batas.

See Below

You can find him on Facebook at

He First started off by trying to call me a "Bully" which is what he is and telling me im "destroying" the life of Conley Riley Bishton a Gay White Supremacist who committed a Hate Crime on me and Continued after that to Stalk me online, Via phone and Find out where i live and who i live with.

see below

My Friends Charlie Morton and Dale Floyd Egan Cartwright intervened on my Behalf ( thank you, it is much appreciated) to stop this guy from further attacking me for no apparant reason

After Which he apologized for his Snide remarks and that seemed to be the end of that

or was  it?

He then went on now to claim that my story and claims with all my evidence in screenshots/pictures and recordings of  my Gay White Supremacist Stalker Conley Riley Bishton to be Fake or made up.

See below

Again my friend intervenes on my behalf and as he says, "its in Black and White"  for you all to see as ive not made these claims under false pretenses but have actually documented everything for you all to see to make your own minds up by yourselves.

See Below

After all that, 1st im a "Bully",  2nd "My claims and story are Fake/made up" Edvinas Batas is slowly running out of things to say and discredit me and is looking like a real FOOL at this point

He then Goes on to Attack my Marketing Tactics as to why he doesn't believe my story even with all evidence presented before him

See Below

And i give me response to his Accusations of my Marketing tactics used to spread proppaganda
Please see below

I basically Called him a Coward as where he would run and hide like the coward he is, im gonna step up and stand up to my Bully and Not Run

Like iv'e said Ladies and Gents the only way to get rid of your Bully is to Stand Up to Them.

They operate in the shadows of darkness  preying on your fear and know that by you not saying anything they can continue their attacks. By exposing them to the World, to the light of Day you ensure that they can no longer Bully you or any one else.

And if you all read the Last part of the Screen shot you will see that Edvinas Batas Responded by Calling me a "Homophobic Prick" which in any case is severely untrue as i support Gay Rights and i speak on Gay rights and Gay Marriage and Equality for all Gay People here on my Blog

So To Summarise Edvinas Batas came on my page to call me :

1) A "Bully"

2) A "Liar" / "Fake claims/  Made up Story"

3) " Spreading Proppaganda" through my Marketing Techniques

4) A "Homophobic Prick"

Well it is safe to say that Edvinas Batas is a downright Biggot. and from my brief encounter with him i believe him to Support White Supremacy and Racism which is why he's attacking me for no apparent reason and trying to discredit me as i do not know this guy or have i ever met him in my life

And Last but not Least Edvinas Batas is a Bully. The very word he began calling me is the very word for his actions which you can see above by his comments in my screen shots

I hope you all have a Great Good Friday and Remember Jesus Christ and the Message of Love he died bringing to us so looong ago.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Conley Riley Bishton - Racist and Gay White Supremacist

Hey Y'all

Guess who has decided to contact me and leave a Comment on my latest Blog Article
"A Call to Arms - All Lives Matter" which Can be Read at

Non other than my Resident Gay White supremacist Stalker Conley Riley Bishton

Right Now on Google Plus he's using the Name of Conley Kevin  not Connor or Charlie Saxton

Here are some Pics of his most Idiotic comments to me today, lets all Laugh together
see below

You all know what they say in Show Business Negative Publicity is Still Publicity.

Ladies and Gents This Gay White Supremacist  Loves the limelight,  but for you all you need to be warned about this Low Life

Another pic plz see below

And See Another Pic Below

Ladies and Gents Lets Respond together to this Idiots Stupid Remarks, he is a Vile creature and Low life but ill Give him an Answer anyway

Ladies and Gents there is a Method to all that im doing and Let me explain

First Off What Conley doesn't Know is that Thanks to him and his attacks that ive Publicised through my blog  That  an Extra 300 people view my Blog each day

Thank you all for your Support, Conley believes that a Lack off Comments on my Blog equals a less than favourable reception


Beacuse of all of  Y'alls loyalty and Dedication  and readership to my Blog Google Itself has done me a Major and Beautiful Favour

Ive always Maintained my reason for posting About this Ridiculous Guy is to Warn and Inform you

Well as it so happens to be, When you Search the Name Conley Riley Bishton In Google My article Immediatley Appears on the First Page of the search results

Anyone who knows Anything About SEO's ( Search engine Optimization) Knows that for Anything to be found online it needs to be findable, and that result is a mixture of many Things first off Keywords etc... but also Views. Google Lists its Number 1 items based on the amount of views it gets

Now with that said, it means that  for Any prospective Employer Looking to Hire Conley, Or Any Goverment doing a Background search on people leaving and entering their Country  on  Conley Immediately they will see the Posts ive written on the First Page and can decide for thems self As to hiring a Gay  White Supremacist and Even Allowing him into their Countries

What Conley Also Doesn't Know is in conjunction with the search Results, he has now been flagged by every Government Database when he leaves and Enters any Country now

Conley Riley Bishton AKA Conley Kevin on Google Plus thinks people are adding him on Instagram or facebook because they like him,  lets leave him with his False delusions

Half those Ads are Government Agents monitoring him 

So if he wants to live in a false state of security, please be my Guest

My job is to Inform and Warn you, and i think ive done a pretty good Job of That

See  Pics Below


Another Pic taken by a Friend from his laptop

So thank you all for Your continued Support in tuning in and Viewing each post, feel free to leave Comments where you please, A lack of Comments is never a Bad Sign  as is believed by Conley Riley Bishton

Soon enough this Perverted Freak Of  Nature Will be Brought to Justice

White Supremacists and Gay White Supremacists like him lurk in the shadows and do their worst because they believe their victims will say nothing

Im here today to tell you all to Shine The Light in their Faces and Expose them for the world to see for by doing that you will ensure that No One else will get Attacked by them and that everyone, absolutely everyone Will be warned about them in due Course

Ive Contacted Pink News and The BBC to run this Story and am in Talks with them for Final Version to be Aired Soon online and on TV

All Conely Riley Bishton Can do now is comment on my Blog Articles to get Attention but not Sympathy and certainly Not Empathy for he is and will always be a Vile Putrid creature.

He is a representation of the Darkest side of Humanity

He has been Exposed and won't be harrassing Anyone else Anymore

For he is now humiliated and Emasculated and this is the Digital Equivalent of Castrating (chopping off his dick) him

For he will no longer be able to harrass or "Rape" anyone with his words anymore

He now and for ever more Has NO POWER!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

A Call to Arms - All Lives Matter

Hey Y'all

As Promised i'm keeping you all updated as to what's going on with me and my Life But i'm partly focussing my Attention as to what's going on in the world.

Lately you have all been reading About My Encounters With my Resident Gay White Supremacist Stalker who Supports the KKK.

If you all don't remember let me Refresh your Memory



He is a Ridiculous Vile Creature but he is real and Living among us attacking people for simply the Colour of our Skin.

But the question that keeps surging through my Mind is Why?

Where is Such a Hatred coming from?

I can only believe that the answer to that Lies in America AKA the U S OF A, Land of the free, home to the Brave.

I love London, I Love the UK and im soooo Proud to Be British but i do Love America, The United States, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free.

The Land of Opportunity, Home to JFK, Martin Luther King, Franklin Delano Roosevelt  and Barack Obama.

In my Opinion Barack Obama is the Greatest President America has ever Had and America will Ever Have.  He Like Whitney houston and Michael Jackson have changed this world and left their Mark for all of us for all time. That's only my opinion feel free to disagree

I do Love Roosevelt though, there's a reason this Man served 3 terms in office spanning 1933 - 1945 after which all others were limited to only 2 terms in Office

 Who ever takes over Next Year as the Leader of the Free World Will have Massive Shoes to Fill left by Obama and it Won't be just because he's Black, he's done soooo Much for America already, i wish he could only Do more As President with an Extended Presidency like FDR

If America Could put him in office again Like they did with Franklin Delano Roosevelt they will see their Country Flourish Under Barack's Awesome and Awe Inspiring Leader Ship

Im not Just Supporting Barack Obama because he's Black or African American, I love Frankilin Delano Roosevelt as well as Bill "William" Clinton, who by the way was coined as the First "Black" President for a reason for his Humanitarian efforts and Advocacy for Black Civil Rights.

The USA, better Known as America  is one of the Superpowers in this Great Big World, even though China "Seems" to be the Leading Super Power right now, even with Russia trailing Behind China
The Gauntlet will Pass through Many Hands But Ultimately Return to its Rightful Owner.

Like Excalibur and King Arthur, Like Mjolnir and Thor, America is the True Global Super Power

So you can Imagine that so many People will try to lay their Grimy Disgusting hands on the seat of Power that is the American Presidency

 America is Great and Will always be great no matter what up and downs it goes through they will Ultimately come out on top, but that Prophecy will Only Fulfil itself under the RIGHT leadership.

America WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!





America take a Look in the Mirror and Look at Donald Trump Clearly, forget his toupee and Look closely at what he'd doing to you.

His Boardroom tactics and divide and conquer techniques Only work in the Boardroom, it will not work in Leading you. Instead it will divide you all and only produce pure Anarchy

Under His Leader Ship there will be Anarchy, You already had One Civil War to keep the United States United by Abraham Lincoln, you don't want Another one.

You have been Given a Snippet of the Future with what ensued in chicago with his rally being cancelled due to mass Violence and you can see  what the Future will hold for you all if He is in any way Elected

Instead of me Telling you, why don't i just Show you

See Below

Rachel Maddow has it Correct, LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!

Or Will you Only Listen When Beyonce Sings that Song "Listen" from DreamGirls and then get Outraged by her Performing Formation at the SuperBowl

Speaking of which for all who didn't see the Video

See Below

Another Story in the Press these days  is that  a Mother from Oregon beat her 4 yr old child to death because she thought he was Gay

Ive had a minor similar experience where my own mother for no apparant reason threatened not only to Kill me but described how she would do it, after that i moved out and have not seen her for 4 years.

She doesn't remember doing or saying it, but it was all i needed to build walls around myself to protect myself and to protect my life

I only have these words to say




Heres a Pic of the The Mom and the Boyfriend 

For the Rest of the article please see below

Another Story or shall i say "Gossip" is the Story in the press about the Queen.

It is Said from a close friend of hers that  She does not Approve of Gay Marriage and that she only signed the Gay marriage Bill as the "Head of State"  because the majority of the British People were for it and that as the "Head of the Church" she believes that Marriage to be "Sacrosanct" between a Man and a Women.

Until the Queen Issues a Press statement herself outlining her views, I view all of this as  Hearsay, (because thats what it is)  as just idle Gossip

Another video ive seen recently is of something happening a couple of months ago of a Blind Kid getting Beat up by a Bully

I repeat a BLIND KID getting beat up by a bully

Please watch below

People of the World, Wake up

Look at yourselves in the mirror

Since when was it ever ok to Beat Up a BLIND kid.

There is Something Seriously Twisted with the world today, From Trump rallies inciting Violence to Kids being Killed for Being Gay  and now Blind kids getting Beat up to

Its Disgusting and Completely IMMORAL 

Ive been bullied all my life, primary school, highschool, College/6th form and in University
My motto is to stand up to my Bullies for i will not be Bullied. Im a Strong Human Being but not every body is strong, especially when its a 4 year old boy against their own mother or a BLIND kid against someone who can actually see.

What is this World Coming to?

I called this Article  "A Call to Arms - All Lives Matter" because we need to Unite and Stand together on issues such as Racism, Gender Equality, Gay Rights and Basic Human Rights.

Is it any wonder that i Myself am recieving Racists attacks online and over the Phone By this 20 yr old Kid Conley Riley Kevin Bishton when the world is basically Telling him, its ok to be an Extremist and Gay White Supremacist, to support the KKK and to be Racist and Attack people for the Colour of their skin

See again below for yourselves


Im telling you ALL 
