Is there any Justice in this world?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, Let see
Well, i believe there is. Call me a fool, call me crazy or deluded to believe such a thing in this day and age exists but i do
I Believe there is Justice in this World, and it works with mysterious ways
From my own personal Experience, here's how i know
I was working from 2013-2014 as a Bartender in a 4 star hotel in the city, i was happy to get this job made me feel good about myself, i developed some friendships there and had a good working relationship with my colleagues, all but 3.
This 3 being the General Manager, The Interim deputy General Manager and one Horrid Duty Manager who crowned herself as Senior Duty Manager even though she isn't. Now i was working with the 3 Hags, 3 horrid Women who made it their job to make my life hell, ( Note to self, why do most my enemies seem to be women?)
After a month of working for this hotel, i was called in for a meeting with 2 of these horrid managers, this was around the time the new interim Deputy General Manager started because the Actual deputy was on Maternity leave and shes a Lovely woman.
I was called in for a meeting to discuss my performance at work, i thought ok, id go and see what they had to say, it cant be bad i was doing well, at least that what i thought.
I was told in this meeting that i was an "Enegizer Bunny with too much Energy", that i was "Shining a bit to bright", i should dim myself a bit and that "we dont want no Superheroes"
I perceived this as an attack on my person and was disgusted as to how they would use my strengths, my hardworking nature as a negative. Hello!!!The Basic Requirement in hospitality is to have bags of energy as its not for the faint of heart and can get really busy.
So i quickly made the adjustments to myself in order to keep my job, i wasn't looking to lose it for any reason, the next couple of months went a little like the BaBa Black sheep song, you know, Baba Black sheep have you any wool, Yes sir, yes sir 3 bags full
In my case 3 wicked witches, each torturing me in their own little way
I kept my head down and conformed to their "Ideals", but that wasn't enough, they just didn't like me
to cut this story short, i was given one weeks notice later next year and told i just wasn't working out.
Without a job and frantic as to how id pay my bills, i waited and God came to my aid and saved me
Justice was soon granted and i had a job a while later
In all Honesty, i wanted to have my revenge on those 3 witches, for they didn't know that i saw everything and i knew when my General Manager would stay over night in the hotel in a luxury room and steal the stock from the bar to feed her alcohol addiction.
There was an audit line straight to the head office to call so i could report what they were doing and get them all fired. I had planned my revenge down to the last detail, i even planned to report the on going Mice issue in the Hotel to Environmental Health and get that place shut down and after i was finished planning it all, i thought to myself as i was at an all time Low, losing my job and fearing the worst they've stripped me of my job Unjustly i wont allow them to destroy who i am, so i left it and moved on, vengeance is Gods and God alone holds that right.
I found out shortly after i was "let go" from that hideous Hotel that i was let go due to the colour of my skin as the General Manager ( the Ugly alcoholic) didn't like black People, i was gutted to hear that and made me even more furious. Now Not everyone is racist, but she definitely was.
How many months later, i come to find that not only was my old General Manager Fired but the company found out about how shes been stealing the stock, more precisely drinking the stock, the senior horrid manager was forced to resign by the new General Manager so i was smiling happy for there is Justice in this world and truly what goes around comes around.