Hello All
Its been almost 3 months since my last post and soooo much has happened since in the world and especially in my life also
In this Article im going to talk on a couple of Subjects such as the Brexit in the UK and the Orlando Shootings in America. Before all that I will Introduce my main reason for this newest Article, "Catfishing".
Catfishing is becoming a Major issue in this world and in this society. Its Disgusting how these days people are too comfortable to pretend to be someone else rather than be themselves.
Its one thing when you use a famous persons picture as your profile pic, or use a random models pic as your pic at least you can write a message in your profile saying it isn't you. Nowadays people have No Compunction in doing this and its just disgusting.
I fully understand people may be ashamed of the way they look or want to keep anonymous when online but this deceptive and dishonest way of portraying one self no matter how noble the intentions of the person are always lead to someone else far darker and sinister copying these methods to dupe, mislead and ultimately hurt other people.
When's it going to stop
Earlier this month i was contacted on social media by a guy called "Karl" using this Pic
Now "Karl" is a Male model i know that works for the Adonis Cabaret and as im a Male model know very well this isn't the real Person contacting me via social media.
Suspecting serious foul play i engaged in conversation with the Supposed "Karl" to the point the guy gave me his number to chat on wattsapp. Imagine my delight when he did this as i gave his number to my friends who work for the police who ive asked to keep tabs on my social media and my phone for my own prtocetion and they ran a trace on the Number and the results were shocking.
The number belongs to a Mr Charlie Cutting who works in Gravesend in Kent teaching science to children at Gravesend Grammar.
See Pics Below
And in this Final Pic you will see the face of the perpetrator himself
Mr Charlie Cutting
After I let this man know i know who he is, and where he works, he quickly starts apologising and calls me via whattsapp crying saying hes sorry. To me it was the biggest Load of Bullshit i have ever heard in my Life.
After the ordeal i dealt with from my Stalker Conley Riley Bishton, and to now be a Catfish Target of Mr Charlie Cutting there was no way i could sweep this under the rug and forget about it.
I told some of my friends about this to get their opinion as to what to do about this and even posted a status on my Facebook to find the best way to Handle this
See Below
And also
After Considering everything everyone had to say about it and realising what could and would happen if i stay silent, i was reminded of my stalker and how i told him repeatedly to go away but only got worse but most of all i couldn't get past the fact he works with children.
One friend reminded me that he could do to a student what he did to me, and with the fact that it is a problem with Peadophiles down in Kent in their education System.
I couldn't in good conscience stay silent, so i not only made a report but also sent an e-mail to his employers as well at Gravesend Grammar
Above you will see part of the e-mail i sent to the school to inform them of this, so they have been warned and if anything happens to any child in his care after recieving this e-mail they can now be held fully liable.
But Lets take a walk through time and actually see how we got here.
Starting with Trumps Rhetoric, "Lets Make America Great Again"
After Trump started his campaigning for the presidency of the United States with that infamous rhetoric, so many white supremacists and Sociopaths and Psychopaths crawled out from under the wood work and used Trumps Rhetoric to justify their actions and their hatred of others.
We started seeing race riots at Trump rallies and violence and the worst part for me was in Trump embracing it all. He didn't Admonish these people or even denounce their support, no he just sat back and let it happen.
The United States that is supposed to be the policeman of the world, standing for Truth, Justice and Freedom isn't fulfilling its Global responsibility of being an example to the rest of the world and because of that the problems in its homelands are Spreading like wildfire to the rest of the world Namely the UK.
The United States is a country like every other and goes through its own problems and on one hand should be like every other country to deal and get through its issues but on the other hand when you appoint yourself as the Policeman of the world and the Champion of Truth Justice and Freedom for the world then you have to hold yourself at a different standard and make sure all your problems are solved and that everything is in order.
I love the United States but with everything that's happening im scared to even go there for a holiday.
From black men continually getting killed and for no good reason by racist cops and the tragic Shootings in Orlando, is it any wonder that the rest of the world is in turmoil as its watching and learning from one of the greatest nations on earth.
Touching on the subject of Orlando very quickly, my heart goes out to all those who were killed,Injured and all those who suffered as a result of what had happened.
What happened there was one of the greatest atrocities of mankind. I have said this before and will say it again. I do not care if your Gay, bi, straight, black, white, oriental, Indian, Arab, Latino, Hispanic or from the Middle east, human life is human life and we all have a right to this world and to live in it equally and free of oppression and hatred and in peace and harmony.
There is a Massive Misconception as to whether this was a Terrorist Attack or Hate crime
Let me clear up this Misconception. Omar Manteen was GAY!!!!!
His Actions really didn't have anything to do with Isis but more so to do with the Hatred he holds for himself and for Gay people.
The Isis Link was his way to turn his revenge killing of the Gay people he murdered in Cold blood into some religious honour killing
Since the attack on the Orlando nightclub a man has come forward who claims to be Omar Manteens Gay Lover
The real reason according to this man called Miguel, is that Omar Manteen had a 3 some with a guy who was HIV positive and this what sparked not only a hatred for Puerto ricans but for Gay people as well and what led to his downright disgusting cold blooded murder of the Gay people in that nght club.
For those who died that night, May your Spirit Awaken to Joyful Activity!!!
And last but not least with everything that's happening in the United States spreading across the world, one country in particular is severely affected as well.
The United Kingdom
Known for its diplomacy and tactful responses the UK has since been divided due to the results of the Referendum and since its results we have seen things in this country that you would only see in the United States.
We have british people saying to Immigrants "Why you still here? Go back to your country"
We have a record rise in Hate crimes all across the UK
We have Scotland and Northern Island threatening to leave the UK if we leave the EU
The Unted States may be the country that Champions Truth, Justice and Liberty for All, but the United Kingdom is meant to be the Great Representation of Love and how we tolerate and accept everyone
We the UK still have our Monarchy and didn't like France or Russia over throw them and Behead them.
We the UK conquered the world and coming to our own recognition gave back Indepenence and freedom to various countries and territories, like Hong kong and India and Pakistan to name a few
The point im trying to make here is that the people of the UK have always known better and always been able to rise above but with the backlash of the referendum and the lies told by Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, especially one lie claiming the 350 million given per week to the EU will be given to the NHS is just downright Lies.
We are facing a crucial time as a nation especially with the threat of Scotland and Northern Island leavng, is it any wonder that we have Racists and Xenophobes crawling out of the wood works just like in the United States and people like my Stalker Conley Riley Bishton think its ok to behave the way they do and People like Charlie Cutting who Catfished me think they're behaviour is acceptable.
We the people need to stand up and tell these disgusting people its not ok that in 2016 that this is all still happening.
We have now appointed a New Female Prime Minister, Theresa May
On one hand ths should be a Celebration of the progression of humanity that we can now have a woman lead us.
But Since her appointment, has proven and still proving to be a Carbon Copy and Clone of Margaret Thatcher.
She is not all bad and do agree with some things she says but not all things, like for instance
Theresa May wants to use the deportation of EU Migrants already here as part of the Brexit negotiations which i believe to be unconscionable as she should be safeguarding the lives of those already here and not using it as part of her Poker Game.
Lastly, Theresa May is a Woman and the whole idea of having a Woman lead us is that a Woman more so at times of despair and struggle has more of a heart than a Man who rules with a heavy hand.
I understand that we live in a Mans world but a Woman shouldn't and doesn't have to be a Man in order to get things done
We as Mankind need to reclaim our humanity and reset the definitions of both Man and Woman.
Right now the boundaries of both Men and Woman are so blurred that there is so much gender confusion nowadays
I do not believe woman should stay at home, or women cant work and be successful or leaders but i am saying that a woman needs to uphold her womanhood in all that she does as women naturally stand higher than men spiritually and thus hold more power.
Women may be the weaker physical sex but are spiritually the more powerful of both genders, and there lies the balance between the sexes
We need to wake up, and finally all of us, you and including me, get our acts together and make this world truly a World for all People
Please Y'all stand with me against Discrimination of all Kinds
Stand up for Love
Stand up for Life